
Living with the Earth, Fourth Edition: Concepts in Environmental Health Science by Gary S Moore


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Shelving Guide; Environmental ScienceThis is a groundbreaking and innovative book now in its fourth edition. The first edition won the CHOICE award for outstanding Academic Book while editions two and three became bestsellers on their own right. This fourth edition is packed with new updates on current world events associated with environmental issues and related health concerns. The author maintains traditional concepts and merges them with new and controversial issues. The book has been revised to include up-to-date topics with and a revised Web site with updated links. So whatCoverage of emergency preparedness for environmental health practitionersDiscussion of population dynamics especially with regard to overpopulation and underpopulation around the world and their respective influences on social, economic, and environmental concerns.The mechanisms of environmental disease, emphasizing genetic disease and its role in developmental disorders and cancer.Human behaviors and

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